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Watch video at the end of this post for more details
what is salvage denim
you probably have a few pair of jeans in
your closet
and you are used to thinking that you
know everything about them
well pretty much everything you should
and you don't care much about the
occasional new trend in this area
meanwhile to know about such trends as
salvage denim
is useful not only for general
development but also to choose proper
to your style if after having watched
the video you want to buy new genes
follow the links we've left in the
salvage denim is not a trick of stylists
or marketers
in fact it's a restored denim classic
complemented and improved without
authenticity the most noticeable and
obvious distinction of the strength
is the thin colored identifier that
secures the edge along the inner side
it can be seen on the inside only but it
can tell a lot to an expert
history on modern jeans or any puns
the fabric on all seams is cut off and
with overlock or something like that you
know so it doesn't unravel or get loose
so the first mask produced jeans back at
the end of the
19th century didn't have that
the side seam had an edge that wasn't
specially processed after cutting
it was ready right off the machine this
was like that because the fabric was
made on narrow looms
and no more than two halves of the pant
leg could fit across
the width of the fabric it turned out to
be very convenient for serving puns
the outer that is the side seam was
wrapped with the cuts inside
and the inseam had ready weaving
salvages which didn't need processing
and they didn't graze the body
the width of the cloth made it possible
to cut both small and large sizes
and if there was a strip of cloth left
in the middle it was
used for small details like a belt or
patch pockets
this colored salvage which doesn't need
to be processed
is the obvious feature of the salvage
denim trend
so it's clear where the trend has got
its name from
the sandwich was different for different
manufacturers and they quickly realized
that the color of the thread along the
edge could become something like the
additional trademark
lee used blue or green thread levi's
used a red thread
and wrangler probably used bright yellow
to make their products stand out
later progress gave the clothing
industry white machines
with the same white fabric at the output
the legs of jeans were cut on all sides
without any savages and the in seams
were hemmed
with overlocks and we accepted this as a
by the way jeans have become much
cheaper because the narrow fabric
is quite expensive to sew
japanese jeans a century later the
japanese with
their obsessive drive to create
something flawless without dealing with
decided to revive the truly original
for this purpose they tried to recreate
the old technology almost
entirely to begin with this clinic guys
took the trouble to find all style looms
with a small width of cloth
just like back then in the 19th century
then they decided to follow the standard
of density of the fabric
that corresponded of the typical denim
of the era.
it was not less than 14.5 ounces per
square yard
this was the density of the fabric used
for manufacturing the work pants
made by the factories of levi strauss
maurice cooper
and cece hudson the founders of the
three oldest denim brands
just as serious what they approach to
the material
literally beginning with their choice of
raw materials and the way they were
the cleaning sounds of the land of the
ryzen yen decided to recreate it
they didn't make the task easier for
themselves by simply ordering denim of
the right density and wheat with a ham
no that was too frivolous for them
they didn't even limit themselves with
special weaving with
vintage narrow looms
they bought long fiber cotton for the
absolutely original old style denim
then used it to make a special yarn on
the same vintage double wheel spinning
the yarn from these machines isn't as
even in thickness as
in the modern spinning industry and you
can see it in the woven fabric
this is what the first denim looked like
and this is what real branded selvedge
denim looks like now
of course the old technique has now been
replaced by a new one
but all the technological details are
so both the young and the finished
fabric are exactly as they were
150 years ago the real jeans color
the first factory made jeans used the
strongest plant-based
dyer at the time it's called
indole you probably know that it gives a
deep blue color
this is the dye used for real selvedge
there are no synthetic additives in the
fiber itself or in the dye
modern technologies of mass production
of denim involves true
treatment of the finished product
it's a treatment that fixes the color of
chemicals and washing
firstly it gives a more solid coloring
of the fabric
and secondly it gives equally spaced
scuffs of approximately the same
intensity of the entire batch of
and washing partially removes all these
it's unacceptable for salvage denim
it's made of indole diet but not washed
and the ready items aren't subjected to
any treatment
other than the necessary minimum
such denim is called raw unlike the
washed and
treated fabric we are used to
the jeans made this way go to the bio
without any artificial scuffing
and certainly without any holes or fiber
sticking out at the folds
but the fabric structure is visible to
the necked eye and can even be felt with
the fingers
visible irregularities of threads and
then are evenly distributed across the
fabric surface
and the scarves appear in the process of
since each person has their own
individual physical parameters
lifestyle and personal habits then after
a couple of months of wearing
the jeans get a unique look fraying
a little bit and becoming one following
its owner
mass produced genes in modern techniques
are much
less capable of this they either already
artificial highlights on them or the
fabric is dyed with common chemical dyes
that cannot fade as naturally on scarves
as natural indoles.
what's more modern must-produced genes
use fabrics with more or less synthetic
material added
as you probably realize all more or less
stretchy fabrics
necessarily contain all sorts of elastic
and the genes that feed so appetizingly
around your girlfriend's hips
have a lot of them in their composition
a lot of guys believe that if they buy
jeans without the slightest sign
of elasticity then it's probably pure
but it isn't necessarily right tight
man's jeans
are often sewn with with coals or cheap
cotton with a lot of strengthening
synthetics as
without this additive the material will
quickly begin
to wipe and tear this is
a characteristic disadvantage of cheap
cotton with short fibers
only long fibred cotton is used for
salvage denim
and it doesn't grow everywhere
japanese manufacturers decided to use
zimbabwe and cotton for their denim
it's so tough that the denim is very
durable even without artificial
of course assuming that the standard of
which we've already mentioned before is
followed the salvage denim manufacturers
are very careful about it
it's one of their features in general
this products are of a higher quality
than the average items from the
factories of levi strauss
or maurice cooper a century ago because
those hardly used
the elite cotton after all it was about
products that were affordable to any
working man
jean's futures and details to make the
vintage pants a bit more exquisite
salvage denim jeans began to be
decorated with exotic reptile skin
and the fabric is woven with different
types and shades of edges
with a very narrow color band or a
little wider one
single colored or two or three colored
ones each type of selvedge
indicates a particular brand such jeans
sewn into two large badges and it's
they're more time consuming in
production and therefore more expensive
also they're bought by natural clothes
devotees or people in the trend
the experts appreciate such rough and
simple looking blue puns
much more than all that fancy stuff with
word silhouettes
huge patches prints sewn on decker
and other stuff
these jeans are timeless and out of
fashion they're respected classic
however you've already decided to buy
yourself salvaged denim
to highlight your independent fashion
style and taste
keep in mind that natural cotton
requires special care
we are used to clothes that are more
than half synthetic
they are easier to wash and dry and they
shed less
and good quality synthetics also hold
their shape without
any problems you have to wear salads
then i'm taking into account every
peculiarity of
the natural cotton but every feature
that makes it difficult to care for
gives it a special value
first you shouldn't wash them too often
do it more gently since cotton loses its
color brightness fastener
and simply wears out the old days
fashionistas quickly recognized
the problem of natural genes half a
century ago with worst than by hand
some even with laundry soap it was right
by the way because cotton fades faster
when treated with the synthetic
detergents especially if the cotton is
dyed with natural dye
the indole dye is less resistant than
the latest achievements of the chemical
but no one would accuse it of toxicity
and allergenicity
real denim also dries long enough it's
because the natural cotton is water
however it's much healthier to wear it
in general and for the skin in
all the breathing synthetic materials
invented by market
cannot be compared in this aspect with
pure cotton
denim jeans are quite heavy in
comparison with thin
whiskers or synthetic ones but more
durable and yet comfortable
in hot and cold weather they weren't so
highly appreciated by simple workers
not for nothing and they look far from
rather brutal and simple however you
have to admit that it's an advantage for
a man's image
so consider all these features and try
not to wear the salvage denim jeans when
repairing your favorite bike or rolling
around in the grass
after all this when you could buy
natural cotton jeans for a dollar
and 46 cents a long gun
comment below if you have any salvage
denim items
and what do you think it's worth the
hassle of recreating all natural
clothing in this way