Isimsizler (Bename Log) Episode 5 in Urdu Subtitles by Makki TV || Discovery Urdu

Isimsizler (Bename Log) Episode 5 in Urdu Subtitles by Discovery Urdu

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that we will work together but we will obviously be against each other That's why all the porridge is cooked I don't understand who has taken such a big step At the beginning of the season, the enemies are shown to be very cruel But we already know Nikola And that's when Michael Kosis's oppressive attitude became known When he wounded the hands of the soldiers of Turgut Alp However, Rogatious is skeptical of what might have happened to him.

 But Rogatious has been shown to be a little weak
and cannot dare to do so Rather, it is the work of someone in Nikola and Michael Kosis By the way, the Pope and the assassins can do the same But Michael Kosis's move has left everyone skeptical That he had a hand in Kariyal's death Michael Kosis tells his commander that I will give him the favorite of the Turks. 

And he takes a horse as a gift for Osman Bey 
You may have noticed that Michael Kosis was holding something in his hand when he spoke to the commander. Which was probably a piece of wood like a horse's head, so it is possible that he had a hand in Kariyal's death. But Osman is killing the assassins who are under the control of Michael Kosis That is, he will take revenge in this way But Turgut Alp will kill Rogatioss 'soldiers, which is not Rogatious' job Rather, it belongs to Nikola or Michael Kosis Gokce talks about the woman before talking about whether her daughter is going to be born. 

His character was quite dubious from the previous episode
We have already explained this to you In a few episodes, Aygul or Gunca will suspect this And then her secret will be revealed as to why she came to the tribe and for whom she was working. He may be a spy for Michael Kosis But Gokce cannot be believed to be the pope's spy If that happened then she would be watching Gregor's case The subject of becoming a mother of Bala Hatun is also very important And we know that in history Bala Hatun had only one child and that was Aleaddin Malhun is upset at the news of a woman becoming a mother And he thinks that if a woman gives birth to a son, then there will be a power struggle between the two brothers.

 While the conversation between Osman Bey and the Bala Hatun revealed that Osman Bey wants a son's daughter While Bala Hatun had a different impression, perhaps she wanted a son According to history, Osman Bey also had a daughter, Fatima In everyone's mind, May come have a toy with history again And Bala Hatun will have a daughter But that is not possible There will not be such a big blunder The theme of Turgut Bey has already had a profound effect on the series.

The same thing will not happen again 
And most of all, there is no disagreement in history about Aleaddin's mother For this reason, Aladdin will be born to Bala Hatun Please tell in the comments how eager you are to see the children of Bala Hatun See You Soon! 

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