Sir Syed Ahmad Khan Biography

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan is a great Muslim hero, whose full name is Ahmad Taqwi ... Tafseer-ul-quran, Khutbat e Ahmadiyya and Tahzeeb-ul-Akhlaq.

 Assalam-o-Alaikum! Sir Syed Ahmad Khan is a great Muslim hero, whose full name is Ahmad Taqwi bin Syed Muhammad Muttaqi. Who was born on October 17, 1817 in Delhi, India. He has a very important role in the formation of Pakistan.

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 Allah Almighty sent a great leader in the form of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan for the protection of Muslims He started a huge movement in the subcontinent to save the Islamic nation from extinction Among the other leaders of this movement are Mohsin-ul-Mulk, Waqar-ul-Mulk, Maulana Shibli Nomani, Maulana Altaf Hussain Hali and Maulana Chirag Ali.

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 They performed the feat that Muslim generation must appreciate him as much as they can. Sir Syed and his associates made Aligarh movement a comprehensive movement. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan rendered many educational services. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was of the view that the path of development of the Muslim nation could be paved only with the help of education.

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 He advised Muslims to get modern education and move forward alongside other nations. He not only gave advice but also provided facilities for Muslims to acquire modern knowledge. He attracted Muslims to science, modern literature and social sciences. 

He termed English education as a stepping stone to the success of Muslims so that they could attain every rank equal to that of Hindus. In 1859, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan established madrassas in Muradabad and in 1862 in Ghazipur. 

nineteenth century 

Apart from Persian, English language and modern sciences were also taught in these madrassas. In 1875, he founded MAO High School in Aligarh which later became MAO College and after his death it become a university in 1920. In Ghazipur in 1863, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan established an organization called the Scientific Society. 

The purpose of this organization was to translate books written in Western languages ​​into Urdu. Later in 1876, the offices of the Society were shifted to Aligarh. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan encouraged the new generation to learn English so that they could benefit from modern Western knowledge. 

detail by syed ahmad

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan biography

Much of the capital of Western literature, science and other sciences was transferred to the Urdu language. Thanks to the services of the society, the Urdu language got a lot of development. In 1886, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan founded an institution called Muhammadan Educational Conference.

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 The organization has been instrumental in providing funds for the educational needs of the Muslim nation. And inspired by the conference's performance, various personalities began educational activities in their respective areas.

 Islamia College in Lahore, Sindh Muslim Madrasa in Karachi, Islamia College in Peshawar and Haleem College in Kanpur were founded Sir Syed Ahmad Khan made literature a means of national development and wrote on various subjects.

indian mutiny

 Among his modern writings are the Asar-al-Sanadid, Ain-i-Akbari, Tafseer-ul-quran, Khutbat e Ahmadiyya and Tahzeeb-ul-Akhlaq. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan took several successful steps to bring the Muslims back to their lost place. 

By writing books such as Risala Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind, loyal Muhammadans of India, he succeeded in improving relations between Muslims and the British government. and in stopping the ongoing campaign of oppression against Muslims.

islamic university islamabad

 The closed doors of employment were opened for a large number of Muslims. and Muslims were re-introduced in various fields. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan advised Muslims to stay away from politics and focus on education. So that they can get equal status with Hindus.

 Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was in favor of overcoming Hindu-Muslim differences and taking the path of unity. He made constant efforts to bring the two nations closer together. He also recruited Hindu teachers and Hindu students in his educational institutions.

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 Hindus start efforts to make Hindi the official language instead of Urdu. The Urdu-Hindi controversy in 1867 changed the thinking of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan. And he started working only through his movement for the protection of the rights of Muslims. 

He decided to find solutions to the political and other problems of the subcontinent on the basis of two national ideologies. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan's political strategy was based on two national ideologies. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan made Muslims a separate nation, the foundation of the two nation ideology was laid by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan. 

muslims and hindus 

He said that Muslims have their own culture, customs and religion and have the status of a complete nation in every respect. He identified Muslims separately and asked for reservations based on the two-nation ideology. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan is truly considered one of the founders of Pakistan.

 Maulvi Abdul Haq writes with reference to the national and political services of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan that the first brick in the foundation of Pakistan was laid by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan passed away on March 27, 1898 This is our today's article.

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